Pairing Sonoff devices With the eWeLink App
First step, plug the device in and make sure it works. You don’t want to get it installed only to find that you have a device that doesnt work and need to send it back. This is as easy as plugging in the micro USB cable. both options use usb to power the PCB.
Now its time to add the device to the app. This is the same process for all sonoff devices.
If you haven’t done so already, install the EWeLink app.
click here to install the Android app
or here for the IPhone app
Once installed, create an account or sign in.
At the bottom of the screen, click the blue plus button to start the pairing procedure. this can be seen in the screenshot below:
The blue “plus” button can be found at the bottom of the EWeLink app home screen.
This will start the paring process. the next screen will ask you to select a pairing mode. Select “compatible mode >>” as this is the mode that always seems to work. the Quick Pairing mode sometimes doesn’t find new devices.
Follow the instructions on screen to put the device in pairing mode. You may need a pin to press the pairing button. Once the device is in pairing mode, click “Next” in the app. the next screen will ask you to enter the wifi details that you want your next device to use. Enter you details and click “Next” again. The app when then start looking for the device.
Once the app finds the device it will transfer the wifi settings to it and restart the device. Sometimes you may have to repeat this stage several times in order for the app to pick up the device. it is rare that this will work first time.
The final screen will ask you to name your device. Add a name and save the changes. This then completes the setup process. Once the device is added, click in the device and go to settings. you will need to set the “inching setting to on and set the time to 0.5 seconds. Inching is the term used to a short period that the device is turned on then off again. setting this to 0.5 seconds means that whenever the device is turned on, it will automatically turn off again after 0.5 seconds.
To add this new devices to Alexa just ask “Alexa, Discover new devices” the new device will then be found for you to use.