Yale Connexis L1 Smart Lock


The Yale Conexis L1 Smart lock is another great addition to any smart home. It fits a wide range of door fixtures as it has a unique sliding nut setup, allowing for a easy installation.
Using this lock means that you will no longer need standard keys. There's a number of different ways to unlock the lock. You have the choice of RFID tags. These can be a fob, credit card style or sticker. Additional fobs can be purchased if required. Official yale fobs have to be used. Other RFID products will not work with the lock.
The lock also works through Bluetooth so that it can be unlocked from the Yale smart living app. This is really helpful if you forget your fob.

This lock has no external key hole there for the locking mechanism cannot be drilled or picked like traditional locks.
The lock works really well as a stand alone unit however it does also have an expansion slot to add a module to the lock to give additional connectivity. For instance, if you have a yale security system as well a module can link the lock to your security system to disarm the alarm when the lock is unlocked. There are also other modules to give connectivity from RF devices and another to add z-wave connectivity which you can link to other smart home systems like the Samsung smartthings hub. When added to the smartthings hub you then have the ability to create integrations and automation. Why not add an automation to turn on the Energenie light switch in the hall when the door is unlocked so that you don't enter the house in darkness.

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@yalehomeuk @samsunguk @energenie4u @todayatifttt


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